Waterford Forest Owner Group

Waterford Forest Owner Group

Waterford Forest Owner Group

Tom Hickey


The group was formed in 2010, instigated by John Casey, Teagasc. After a short time, we realised the importance of the market and joined IWP (Irish Wood Producers) in 2013. Marketing our timber is key to our survival. The group of farm forest owners meets a few times a year, always in a forest, to share knowledge, and discuss how to best market our timber, which is key to our survival, as well as other issues relating to farm forestry. Our events are always social, finishing with a cup of tea/coffee and a chat. We run knowledge transfer groups with IWP and we engage with local media, papers and radio to keep forestry, farm forest owners, the local community and issues involved to the fore front.

Committee of six: David Connors (Chairperson) Patrick Trihy, Kieran Mansfield, Michael Hickey, Chris Walsh and Tom Hickey (Secretary and IFO representative).

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